Exceptional Manager Program

Exceptional Manager Program

Empower your management team with the mindset, skills, and tools necessary to produce high-functioning teams.

What is EMP?

The Exceptional Manager Program (EMP) is the most comprehensive manager training course available. It empowers your management team with the mindset, skills, and tools necessary to produce high-functioning teams.

A strong management team is often a key missing element in small and midsize businesses. This results in stagnated growth, financial underperformance, and company leadership spending too much energy on the operations of the business.

The Exceptional Manager Program’s purpose is to shape a Management Team into the backbone of an Exceptional Company.

The EMP Management Wheel

Each quadrant represents a key area that must be successfully managed – Self, Staff, Work, Workplace. During the 12-month course, we spend three months on each of the four quadrants.

Manage the Staff

An Exceptional Manager manages the Staff by providing structure, clarity, and focus in day-to-day supervision and in coaching people towards their highest and best.

Manage the Work

An Exceptional Manager manages the Work by establishing processes that reduce variability and implementing systems that increase scalability, mobilizing and focusing resources to complete projects, and effectively solving problems faced by themselves and their teams.

Manage the Self

An Exceptional Manager manages the Self by optimizing personal style through the pursuit of self-awareness, routinely spending time on what is important, and employing an effective decision-making process.

Manage the Workplace

An Exceptional Manager manages the Workplace by facilitating productive meetings, negotiating the mutually beneficial resolution of conflicts, and effectively navigating team dynamics.
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EMP Program Structure

The 12-month program is comprised of five components. Multimodal learning engages participants from various aspects, achieving higher levels of understanding and retention.

  1. Knowledge Transfer Videos – Core principles are communicated via video prior to each in-class meeting and can be viewed at the participants’ convenience.
  2. Interactive Classes – Participants come prepared for the monthly half-day, hands-on sessions. Most of the in-class time is spent on activities that apply the concepts communicated in the videos.
  3. On-the-Job Application – Between classes, participants apply the principles, methods, and tools in their organization, allowing them to experience the benefits in a real-life environment.
  4. Management Tools – Practical software tools create tangible structures for the participants, improving their ability to manage their departments.
  5. Progress Assessments – Periodic assessments are taken during the program to measure participant progress.

Customer Testimonials

What do participants find most impactful?